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Reimbursement of the 5 season concerts to OSIB subscribers

On the 14th of March 2020, the Spanish government declared a state of health emergency to palliate the effects derived from the Covid-19 pandemics. The emergency situation caused the cancellation of the concert scheduled for March 12th and, logically, of the following concerts until the end of May.  Only in an expository manner, 5 concerts of the season in the Auditori de Palma, season repositions in Manacor, chamber concerts and several school and charity concerts were cancelled.

Therefore, with regards to concerts included in Season 2019/20, which had been programmed to amount to 15, the last 5 concerts (to be held between the 12th of March 2020 and the 14th of May 2020) were cancelled.

We have proceeded to refund those 5 season concerts to subscribers of the OSIB, considering each type of subscription.

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