The Symphony Orchestra of the Balearic Islands (OSIB), along with Conselleria de Presidència, Cultura i Igualtat, returns to Bellver castle with a total of 24 small-format concerts, to be held between the 24th of June and the 26th of September. These concerts, included in the series of 60 concerts #SonamPerTu, will feature top-level artists, such as violinist Joji Hattori, sopranos Lisa Larsson and Irene Mas, baritone José Antonio López, pianist Saskia Giorgini and violinists Nina Heidenreich and the Majorcan Francisco Fullana.
The managing director of the OSIB, Pere Malondra, and its artistic director, Pablo Mielgo, have presented this cycle, through which the audience will enjoy performances by prestigious artists and a diverse programme, with works by composers like Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Mahler, Stravinsky, Mendelssohn; French programmes with Ravel, Debussy; lyrical concerts with soprano Lisa Larsson; and theatre nights with“L’Histoire du soldat”, by I. Stravinsky.
There will be some seating restrictions, and performances will be carried out according to the health and safety protocols arranged for the comeback of the OSIB after confinement. Therefore, access to the concert areas will be signaled for distancing and the organization will provide the attendants with hydroalcoholic gel. The use of face masks is compulsory.
Tickets for Bellver castle will be on sale through the OSIB website, from Friday 19th of June, and they cost €20.
The OSIB appreciates the collaboration of Ajuntament de Palma in making these 24 concerts at Bellver castle possible, and we also thank Caixabank and Fundació la Caixa, sponsors of the cycle #SonamPerTu of the Symphony Orchestra of the Balearic Islands.
The OSIB has resumed its activity with a series of 60 concerts, to be held between May and September 2020, across the archipelago. With hashtag #SonamPerTu (We sound for you), The OSIB returns to stages in Mallorca, Menorca, Eivissa and Formentera, with small-format concerts of string, wind and percussion ensembles.
On the week between the 18th and 21st of June, the OSIB will offer 10 concerts in Mallorca, Menorca, Eivissa and Formentera. On the 21st of June, the International Day of Music, the OSIB will be playing in all of the isles simultaneously, for the first time ever, at 8.30 pm. Of these series of performances, it is worth highlighting the one at Far de la Mola in Formentera, during which this landmark lighthouse will host a concert for the first time in its history.
In Eivissa, there will be 5 concerts: one at the church of Sant Antoni de Portmany (June 19th, 9 pm), Plaça Santa Gertrudis (Santa Eulàlia des Riu; June 19th, 9 pm), plenary hall at the Ajuntament de Sant Joan de Labritja (June 20th, 8.30 pm), Plaça de Sant Jordi (Sant Josep de la Talaia; June 20th, 8.30 pm) and one at the Claustre de l’Ajuntament d’Eivissa (June 21st, 8.30 pm).
In Menorca, there will be 5 concerts. The Auditori de Ferreries (June 18th, 8.30 pm), Pati de Can Saura in Ciutadella (June 19th, 8 pm), Convent de Sant Diego in Alaior (June 19th, 8.30 pm), Sala Orfeó in Maó (June 21st, 8.30 pm) and the castle of Sant Antoni de Fornells (Es Mercadal; July 11th, 8.30 pm) de julio, a las 20:30h) are the stages to be filled with the music of our wind, string and percussion ensembles.
These activities are included in the OSIB’s attempts to decentralize our performances beyond Palma; to reach new audiences and stages in our own territory; to grant access to the orchestra for all types of social groups; and to adapt our programmes to different audiences.
A més, l’OSIB compta amb un segell discogràfic que permetrà a la Simfònica distribuir els seus enregistraments per més de 40 plataformes musicals, com Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, Goolge Play Music, entre altres. S’han publicat quatre discos: Revolució amb la Simfonia núm. 7 de L.v. Beethoven i The Rite of Spring de P.I. Txaikovski; Simfonia núm. 2 de G. Mahler i les obres dels compositors mallorquins Mallorca Suite de Baltasar Samper i Foners d’Antoni Parera Fons.
Aquests enregistraments són una demostració del talent i projecció internacional de les Illes Balears, amb una aposta decidida de les seves institucions per la cultura com a element essencial del futur de la regió.